So you got a tattoo! And now you’re wondering how to to make sure your new piece heals well. There’s really not much to it as long as you keep it clean and moisturized! Here are some extra details and suggestions. If you got your tattoo done by me, please feel free to email me with concerns, along with any possible pictures.

*If not by me, please reach out to your original artist*

For Plastic Wrap or Black Bandages, remove after 1-2 hours, please start aftercare at instruction #2!

Adhesive Bandage Removal

Keep this bandage on for 1-3 days (or as directed by me) – the full three days being ideal. If the skin appears irritated, there is fluid buildup, or the bandage is coming off, it’s okay to remove the bandage sooner rather than later.

1.  To remove clear bandage, find an edge of the bandage and pull it back over itself in the direction of hair growth. The shower is the ideal place to remove the bandage. Running water will help loosen the adhesive and relax the skin, making the removal much more comfortable. Dry removal of adhesive bandage may cause discomfort and added trauma to the skin.
2.  Discard the used bandage and wash the tattoo with an anti-bacterial soap, preferably fragrance-free. 
3.  Allow the tattoo to air dry or pat dry with a clean towel.
4.  There is no need to reapply unless instructed by me. If there is need for a second bandage, You will be given one with instructions on how to apply in person or I will ask that you come back in for reapplication.
5.  If you develop an adverse reaction, discontinue use immediately.
6.  Once you remove the bandage for good, apply a thin layer of aftercare product to your tattoo. Please use Aquaphor for best results. For extra dry skin, Use a thin layer of petroleum-free moisturizer to help the tattoo retain moisture and itch less. 

If there is adhesive residue leftover on the skin, or the adhesive is not loosening enough with water, coconut oil and baby oil are helpful for removal.

Caring for Your New Tattoo After Removing Clear Adhesive Bandage

Once the bandage has been removed, continue caring for the tattoo by washing and moisturizing as needed, until the tattoo is fully healed. The tattoo may appear to be fully healed on the surface once your bandage comes off. However, deeper layers of skin will still be repairing for 2-4 months. We recommend a good moisturizing regimen for this entire period.

Wearing Bandage While Showering, and Exercising

Showering while wearing the bandage is fine, but it’s best to keep the time spent in the shower to a minimum. Bathing, swimming, or fully submerging a tattoo dressed in adhesive bandage is strongly discouraged. Light exercise while wearing the bandage is fine, but avoid activity that causes excessive sweating. Just as water will weaken the adhesion of the bandage, so will sweat and any other significant amount of fluid. Try to keep the bandage as clean and dry as possible until it’s time to remove it.  Allow your tattoo to heal 2 weeks before swimming in a body of water (pool, lake, whatever.) Do not let your pet lick or rub on your tattoo. Wash immediately if they touch it.

Signs of Infection

Thankfully, I have not had a client return to me with an infection. However if you think you have one, here are the signs to look out for 1-2 days after tattoo appointment or bandage removal; painful and/or hot to the touch, green or yellow scabbing/puss, redness past the 2nd or 3rd day out of the bandage. If you suspect that you have one or all 3 of these symptoms, please see a doctor for antibiotics. Disposables are used and safely discarded, Machines are cleaned with CaviCide & alcohol, gloves are switched out for the duration of the appointment, and I update my Bloodborne Pathogens yearly. The chances of you getting an infection outside of the shop are more likely so please please please protect yourself and keep me updated.

Please e-mail if you have any questions or concerns while using Saniderm or any Adhesive bandage provided by me.

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